Category: Prayer

Call to pray at Matthew West Show

I went to the Matthew West show last night at Sparks Christian Fellowship. What a great show. I had no intention of seeing it, because let’s face it, my wife is the avid concert goer… I was invited to go and assist...

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Sunday post-church prayer

Tyson & Randy prayed over me after church. Tyson did most of the audible praying. Here is the summary that I can remember: He prayed for me to have endurance, and that I should be seeking endurance rather than power....

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A weird day in CC

Saturday was disturbing. I attended prayer in front of the Capitol building and then went to another prayer meeting at the Plaza hotel. There were about 30 people at the Plaza, including Barbara J. and Jill. The meeting started...

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Random Thoughts

Church is about God.

His plan, His son, His spirit, His way, His covenant, His promises, His purpose, HIM.


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