3/18/2014 Men’s Group
- (Yep, the whole thing)
- (Yep, the whole thing)
- (Yep, the whole thing)
- (Yep, the whole thing)
- Paul & Silas
- (battle won by praise)
Side-Track: —> Squirrel 🙂
Praise consists of song, music, words, and we are to do this consistently, even when it is a sacrifice.
According to the Word of God, the Lord inhabits the praises of His children.Praise (aineo) to speak in praise of, to praise.
Praise (humneo) “to sing, to laud, sing to the praise of”
Praise (exomologeo) “will I give praise”; “I will confess”.Worship (proskuneo) “to make obeisance, do reverence to” used as of an act of homage or reverence to God.
Worship (latreuo) “to serve, to render religious service or homage”; to worship (by the Spirit of God) “to worship (God in Spirit). “
Worship goes beyond praise; it is an act of bowing down and honoring the Lord God. Worship is also an act, for example in our daily work: we serve others as a way of worshiping the Lord. Our very life should be an act of worship.