Category: Hey 19

Never Mind the Facts

Just trying write about this topic is dangerous to the visibility of my blog.. It seem to be more controversial than Jesus Christ.  It has divided families, friends, co-workers and strangers.  Heck, in Australia, the people are...

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Why Stats Need Checking

Here in Carson City, as of 10/17/2020 we have a staggering number of active Covid cases – 602.  As long as I’ve been tracking the numbers, this is the most cases we have had. Well, thanks to this article on Carson...

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Pre Lockdown 2.0

On Tuesday 11/10/2020 in the evening, the Governor is once again urging Nevadians to voluntarily stay home to stop the spread of the Corona virus.  He says, if things continue to decline over the next two weeks, he will have to...

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Trick, Treat, or Pandemic?

Well boys and girls here we go on yet another wild ride of pure craziness.  Unless cancelled by the Governor of Nevada, haloween trick or treating will continue on Friday October 30 as planned.  I know what some of you may be...

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Random Thoughts

Gnosticism is arrogance.

Trusting in our understanding instead of relying on the Holy Spirit is a mockery of God.


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