Why do my fellow “Christians” continually want to dodge the cost of discipleship? What is the problem with accepting the teachings of Jesus? Jesus said it would cost everything. He insisted on disciples who gave up the world to follow Him. Did those disciples talk Jesus into letting them continue on as tax collectors, or fishermen? Or did he make them into “fishers of men”?
Can you please show me the verses where Jesus says: “continue living in the world, thinking about things of the world, using the wisdom of the world, to influence the world to become good Christians”. Or “Keep going forward and occasionally go to church. Oh, and give a nod to my dad from time to time”
It is so interesting to me how our God of infinite diversity can have so many people with the same task: to enjoy their lives and their families – and maybe give testimony at some point. Was that what Jesus did? Was enjoyment of friends and family the center of his life? Lets see… “who are my brothers and mother? Those who do the will of my Father in heaven are my brothers and sisters and mother”.
The cross cannot stay silent on these things. Obedience unto death. Taking the punishment we deserve. Through the ultimate blood sacrifice we can enter into a relationship with God. Once we enter in, do we love Him, or do we mostly ignore Him? Do we ask Him what to do, and rely on Him for direction in our lives… Or do we do whatever the hell we want and ask Him to bless us after the fact?
Will we walk forward in the anointing and blessing to serve Him with the gold ring in our ears? As His bonded servant, His slave – as the scriptures say, or will we live out God’s Will our way? He still loves us when we are disobedient, like any good parent, but what is the cost of following our own direction, relying on our own wisdom, and doing what is right in our own eyes? Are we doing the world any favors by modeling that sort of “Christianity”?
It is all about checking the fruit. Is our life looking obedient to Christ, or is it looking like the world? How is our family life? Relationships? Jobs? Service? Worship? Are we living the gifts of the Holy Spirit – or using the scriptures as a checklist? Are we for real? The world can tell a phony – let’s face it: Spirit discerns Spirit. My favorite reference on this is from Jesus himself when he says: “If the light in you is actually darkness, How deep is that darkness?”