I was walking down the street minding my own business when I stumbled upon a flyer for the City Wide Short Film Competition. That was several weeks ago. I took a photo of the flyer and set a reminder in my calendar. I went to the “ingredients” meeting to get more information and was presented with a flyer describing the competition in more detail including a list of three things that needed to be present in the film. The ingredients were 1) the sound of footsteps, 2) a harmonica and 3) the line “Give me one good reason I should wear a dress”.
I didn’t have the intention of entering this year. I just wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. The person in charge was all to happy to take my credit card, charge me 10 bucks for the entry fee, and instruct me in the use of my phone as a video camera. She insisted I could do it – and allowed me to choose my genre.
I have been wanting to cover the food cart and our ministry in Carson City for some time, so considering I had a deadline to meet, I started filming that very afternoon. The result is below – I hope you all like it and please feel free to comment.
Here we are arriving on the red carpet at the screening.